Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Coloring, dying and bleaching your hair extensions

Everybody wants to have a stylish hair style and often they dye, color and bleach them to give a different look and style. Here are few tips that you need to remember, when you are dying your hair extensions.
On a general note, coloring, dying and bleaching hair extensions is never recommended. I’m not saying that this can’t be done but the fact is the results may vary far from what you expected. It is always easy to add color than to take it away. So always perform a strand test and see if the desired results are achieved.
For this there is an alternative option. There are some hair suppliers that supply these hair extensions in a variety of pre colored forms. You can compare the color from their color chart and can accordingly choose the kind of hair that you want.
This will also help you relive stress of your shoulder of coloring your hair. You have the pre colored strands and you just attach them off to your hair.
There are several hair extension stores that offer you an impressive color chart to choose the shades of choice. Here you can look match the desired colors and buy the strands. Also you have some samples with the colors chart to let you have real time effects with the coloring.
Now coming back to coloring, dying and bleaching – I can understand that you want to look different, but all these processes can damage your extension and your hair. Bleaching can have the most devastating effects on your hair.
If you love to color your hair then always choose quality cosmetics so that you are able to have the textures without damaging the hair cuticles. 

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